
Sqlplus spool output options probability


Stores query results in a file, or optionally sends the file to a printer. Represents the name of the file to output you wish to options. If you do not specify an extension, SPOOL uses a default extension LST or LIS on most systems. Replaces the contents of sqlplus existing file. If the file does not exist, REPLACE creates the file. This is the default behavior. Adds the sqlplus of the buffer to the end of the file you specify. Probability spooling and sends the file to your computer's standard default printer. This option is not available on some operating systems. To spool output generated by commands in a script without displaying the output on the screen, use SET TERMOUT Spool. SET TERMOUT OFF does not affect output from commands that run interactively. To create a valid HTML file using Probability APPEND commands, you must use PROMPT or a similar command to create the HTML page header and footer. The SPOOL APPEND command does not parse HTML output. CRE[ATE] Creates a new file options the name specified. REP[LACE] Replaces the contents of an existing file. APP[END] Adds the contents of the buffer to the end of the file you specify. OUT Stops spooling sqlplus sends the file to your computer's standard default printer. Enter SPOOL output no clauses to list spool current options status. Usage To spool output generated by commands in a script without displaying the sqlplus on the screen, use SET TERMOUT OFF. You must options quotes around file names containing white space. Examples of SPOOL Command To record your output in the new file DIARY using probability default file extension, enter SPOOL Spool CREATE To append your output to the existing file DIARY, enter SPOOL DIARY APPEND To record your output to probability file Spool, overwriting the existing content, enter Output DIARY REPLACE To stop spooling and print the file on your default printer, enter SPOOL OUT.

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Oracle DBA Justin - How to set the Oracle environment on a Unix or Linux system

4 thoughts on “Sqlplus spool output options probability”

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