
Hal input x11 options 97


hal input x11 options 97

FAQ Search Memberlist Usergroups Statistics Profile Log in to check hal private messages Log hal Register. Options Gentoo Foundation, Inc. Hosting by Gossamer Threads Inc. Synaptics touchpad - "heavy" cursor and vertical scroll? View unanswered posts View posts from x11 24 hours. Sat Jun 19, 7: Synaptics touchpad - "heavy" cursor and x11 s. The current problem was occuring randomly from time to time, but since I don't use touchpad that much it wasn't big issue. My external USB mouse went dead today so I had to switch to touchpad. It was working just fine x11 day options, but after fresh start half an hour ago it started to act strange. First of hal, comparing to today's behaviour and touchpad experience - mouse cursor became "heavy". Not sure can I explain it well, but accelartion is quite poor and controlling it seems quite demading, it became less responsive and quite lazy. Second, vertical scroll is not working more. I've been using it all day long while reading hal web pages and it worked just fine bear in mind that tap works without any issues. I am using xorg-server Sun Jun 20, Sun Jun 20, 7: Relevant part from Xorg. Device reopened after 1 attempts. Sun Input 20, 8: Maybe FingerLow and FingerHigh have something to do with it. They control the force needed for input detection. Sun Jun 20, 5: Problem occurs randomly, not always. Right now touchpad works just fine, but I don't know what will happen after next fresh boot. Org Foundation" II Synaptics touchpad driver version 1. The Touchpad operate in compatibility mode as a PS2 mouse hal the Synaptics drivers are not use by X or in the console. Maybe the PS2 mode is causing the problem. The native drivers for Synaptics Touchpads are Synaptics drivers. There are severals guides options the Input on how to create and configure proprely an InputDevice Section for Touchpad in xorg. That way, you can force Synaptics drivers for Touchpad any time with X. Sun Jun 27, 5: I've added Synaptics section to my xorg. However problem still occurs although Xorg. Finally, I options to figure input out when exactly - when I boot my Gentoo system on battery it fails x11 initialize Options configuration properly. However if it is booted when it is input in - everything works fine. Any ideas what is causing this? Display posts from previous: All times are X11.

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