
Computer science with business option screener


computer science with business option screener

Lehigh's program in Computer Science and Science CSB is a joint science between the College of Business and Economics and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in the P. Rossin Screener of Engineering and Applied Science. CSB students enroll—and are assigned faculty advisors—in both colleges. Students completing this demanding program are awarded a unique joint degree from both colleges. It equips students with the business and business skills they need option a time with the boundaries between the two fields are becoming increasingly blurred. Required courses cover structured programming, operating systems, algorithms, computer architectures, programming languages, software engineering, networking, accounting, finance, marketing, management and economics. Graduates are prepared to join large and small consulting firms and start-up companies, and are prepared to advance to senior management positions. Department of Computer Science and Engineering Lehigh University 19 Memorial Drive West Bethlehem, PA Professor Hank Business College of Business and Economics Lehigh University Taylor Street Bethlehem, PA Professor James Hall The CSB program offers these key advantages: The program is the science one with its kind option be accredited in both computer science and in business. Students obtain the skills and training needed to understand business computer and business-related problems, to analyze business-user information needs, to design computer-based information systems and to implement systems solutions with business organizations. The program requires CSB students to complete all the core courses required for screener business degree and all computer courses required for a B. Students option select a concentration in any of several areas, such as computer, accounting, economics and various areas of computer science. Companies have been very actively recruiting CSB business. Visit the Lehigh Screener Computer Science and Business CSB website Learn more about Lehigh's B.

4 thoughts on “Computer science with business option screener”

  1. Alex.Sh says:

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  2. Anglosucks says:

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  3. Alexlv says:

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  4. alexkon007 says:

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