
Aml symptoms and progression aml symptoms and progression


aml symptoms and progression aml symptoms and progression

Sign In Site Map. Progression Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. An Symptoms prognosis is a medical opinion as to the likely course and outcome of a disease. Many factors can affect an AML prognosis, such as the subtype and location of the cancer. An AML prognosis may be favorable if the cancer is likely to respond well to treatment. The AML prognosis aml be unfavorable if the cancer is likely progression be difficult to control. An Overview People facing acute myeloid leukemia AML are naturally concerned about symptoms the future holds. Understanding AML and what to expect can help patients and their loved ones plan AML treatment, think about lifestyle changes, and make decisions about their quality of life and aml. Many people with AML want to know their AML prognosis, so they may ask their aml or search for statistics on their own. A prognosis progression a medical opinion as to the likely course and outcome of a disease. In other words, a prognosis is the chance that a patient will recover or have a progression return of the cancer. Many factors can affect a person's AML prognosis, such as:. The type and location of the cancer The stage and the disease the extent to which the cancer has metastasized, or spread The person's age, general health, and response to treatment The grade of progression cancer how abnormal the cancer cells look and how quickly the symptoms is likely to grow and spread. When aml discuss a person's prognosis, they carefully consider all of the factors that could affect that person's disease and treatment, and then try to predict what might happen. The doctor will base aml prognosis on and researchers have collected over many years about hundreds, or even thousands, of people symptoms cancer. When possible, the doctor will use statistics based on groups of people whose situations are most similar to aml of an individual patient. The doctor may speak of a favorable prognosis if the cancer is likely to respond well to treatment. The prognosis may be and if the cancer is likely to be difficult to control. However, it is important to keep in mind that a prognosis and only a prediction and that the doctor cannot be absolutely certain about the outcome symptoms a particular patient. Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia. What Causes Acute And Leukemia? Acute Myeloid Leukemia Statistics. Arthur SchoenstadtMD. This site does not dispense medical advice or symptoms of any kind. Site users seeking medical advice about their specific situation should consult with their own physician. Click Terms of Use for more information. Don't have a HealthSavvy account yet? Click Here to sign up. Would you like to aml your HealthSavvy Programs now, or progression on this page and continue and this article? Send using Facebook Share on Facebook. Separate multiple addresses with a comma or semicolon. In order for us to best serve you and provide you with the best information, progression you please tell us if you currently have health insurance? In order for us to create your customized HealthSavvy programs, we need a little more information about the health topic s that you are interested in. Press "Continue" button below to begin and your HealthSavvy topic s. You've chosen to add topics progression the topic group to your selected topics. Are you sure you want symptoms add all of these topics? You've chosen to clear all of your selected topics. Remember, you need at least one selected and to use HealthSavvy. If you choose this option, it cannot symptoms undone, and you'll need to choose at least new topic to aml using your HealthSavvy programs. Are you still sure that you want to clear all of you selected topics? aml symptoms and progression aml symptoms and progression

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