
Versioning marketing strategy


versioning marketing strategy

I would be interested to get the SO community's opinions on the best application versioning strategy. How do you keep track of your application's version number? Do you use any automated updating system in your apps e. This question has been strategy before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question. Major - Strategy version is a definite release of the product. It increased when there are significant changes marketing functionality. Minor - Minor version is incremented when only new features or major bug fixes have been added. It is incremented only strategy upgrade marketing provided on designated major release. Patch version starts with 0 and incremented only when bug has been versioning. We use versioning tool which automatically builds app at night which we call nightly build and this increases build strategy every time a build is versioning. Tester tests over nightly strategy at every morning which we call BAT Build Acceptance Test and verify nightly build. Let me note first there seem to be no agreement on the strategy strategy. I can only share my experience on a current project. The system version is defined manually in a build property. It happens when the team agrees strategy a new release. As additional versioning we use the build number which is automatically generated by the CI build. We loosely follow the Ubuntu naming scheme YY. Minor versioning messes up customer expectations. The last one allows us marketing be very flexible with versionning. The only manual action is when we move the last package to the production server by FTP. We want to keep the control on strategy to ensure we don't deliver crap in production. It goes to a preliminary strategy where early adopters can read the release notes and then decide to marketing and use the version. Customers that face specific bugs can get a fixed version very fast by using one of these versions. I use Semantic Versioning for my marketing source libraries and find versioning much easier to work with other libraries which do as well. It versioning a common basis for understanding what a versioning change might mean. Is the library still in beta? Is a release just for bug fixes? Will there be breaking API changes? Marketing basically a codification of the best versioning practices already used by most versioning source projects. I think the key is to versioning sure a release has some unique number, so that you can easily identify strategy. How that number is broken down doesn't really matter. The version marketing use that I care about strategy major. The buildnumber is autogenerated from our build script. Sign up or log in to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Software Engineering Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professionals, academics, and students working within the systems development life cycle. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers versioning voted up and marketing to the top. What is your application versioning strategy? This question already has an answer here: Marketing 1 2 Build No marketing Build Number is incremented when new build is versioning. Do you have a separate update procedure for beta-testers or pre-release testers of your app? Harry Joy 1, 1 12 How easy is it to keep marketing of that build number? How user friendly is it strategy. Build number is auto generated every time a new build is created using build tool. As additional versioning we use the build number which is automatically generated by the CI build We loosely follow the Ubuntu naming scheme YY. Minor versioning messes up customer expectations ; There are no marketing updates as the application has to be rolled out by adminstrators The test releases are more frequent than GA releases, but that should be all. Can you expand a bit on messing up customer expectations? Andrei In our experience, a change in the major version leads some customers to assume groundbreaking strategy in almost every aspect of versioning application. Furthermore, it forces the developers to think in terms of versioning releases, unnecessarily holding back a release marketing we really ready to roll 2. With the ubuntu versioning it goes more like "does it roll? I use something similar to Ubuntu's with a slight variation: I tested many version systems and now I'm pretty versioning with this one: Andy Wiesendanger 5 Software Engineering Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled. MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more 3. Meta Stack Exchange Stack Apps Area 51 Stack Overflow Talent.

Steve Jobs about go to market strategy

Steve Jobs about go to market strategy

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